Errors-To: Reply-To: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: To: Subject: tmbg-list Digest #58-25 tmbg-list Digest, Volume 58, Number 25 Monday, 28 October 2002 Today's Topics: TMBG: Spiraling Community Journal TMBG: Fancy "Pen Cam" Digital Camera !! TMBG: 10/25/02 Chicago review TMBG: 10/26 Chicago review TMBG: Re: 10/26 Chicago review TMBG: Funny plastic toys, such as Friction Toys, Battery Operated Toys, Administrivia: If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing send mail to for instructions on how to be automatically removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The views expressed herein are those of the individual authors. --------------------------------------------------------------------- tmbg-list is digested with Digest 3.5b (John Relph ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 16:16:36 EST Subject: TMBG: Spiraling Community Journal Hi all, As if my obsession with live journal wasn't strong enough, I've just created a Spiraling Community LiveJournal. Only members of LiveJournal can join (not my rule...I want as many people as possible)...but, anyone can read. Of course, since it was created five minutes ago, there are no posts yet. Anyway, here is the link. Be sure to visit, and hang, and stuff: Community Info And, of course, if you want to see the evolution of the idea, go to my LJ. User Info Kinda bubbly, but must get back to work. If anyone wants info on joining live journal, or just wants to say hi, email or IM me or something. Aly [Attachment omitted, unknown MIME type or encoding (text/html)] [Attachment omitted, unknown MIME type or encoding (text/html)] ------------------------------ Message-Id: <> Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:15:19 -0600 From: Quinn Collard Subject: TMBG: 10/25/02 Chicago review Space Krickets Ballad of T. McSweeney She Thinks She's Edith Head Arthur Bradford Au Contraire Keith Knight Hodgeman and Robin political ads Dave Eggers Bangs Eddie Joe Cotton Ira Glass Dr. Evil Victorious Intro Older Birdhouse in Your Soul Clap Your Hands Fingertips John Lee Supertaster Bed Bed Bed Dr. Worm New York City No! She's Actual Size On the setlist but not played: Drink!, Violin, Why Does the Sun Shine?, James K. Polk. The Trachtenberg Family Slide Show Players were quite interesting. I want to buy their CD's but I'm not sure how fun they would be without the slides. They spent about 10 minutes trying to get their equipment working. Then John Hodgeman, the host for the evening, explained that he was qualified to be the host because he knew about literature because he used to be a literary agent, and then wrote an advice column called "Ask a Former Literary Agent," in which he answered questions about how to get published and how to deal with werewolves, and he knew about music because he studied viola and clarinet. Then he asked the audience to cheer to indicate which instrument they preferred. "I want the clarients and the violas to take sides and hate each other, because they're both me, so it will represent my soul." After Edith Flans and Dave Eggers came out to explain how the concept of the issue and then the shows originated. Flans said "This is our first time doing this. We had two paid rehersals in Philadelphia and Washington, DC and a dress rehersal in New York that was attended by over a thousand people." Eggers saineesomething about a guy who's running for governor here begging them not to do the shows, and saying "What will the children think?" Flans said, "The children need these shows. Like they need television, like they need cereal with more than 100% sugar, like they need a ride to school because school buses are so dirty and walking to school is so hard." Then he told us to think of the show as, among other things I can't remember, "the Rat Pack, only WASP-ier." Hodgeman introduced Arthur Bradford as "the tallest writer of dog-centric fiction." He was very cute and smashed his guitar again. TMBG came out and played with just the smashing part, but it was an exciting moment for me because it was the first time during the show that John was wearing his glasses. Au Contraire was very cool. Does the DAS version have accordion? I can't remember and don't have access to any of my mp3's right now. Hodgeman said that because it's not on an album, if any of us were trying to bootleg it it would be scientifically prevented from showing up. Keith Knight, who I talked to a bit before the show, showed slides of his comic strips and read them. Then Hodgeman described his three strategies for fighting werewolves, or any of his enemies: make eye contact (even if they're not in the room), hire henchman, and air radio attack ads. Then Robin came out and read 3 with him, including the "masturbating out the window" one that was on DAS awhile ago. Apparently he actually aired these on local AM stations. Hodgeman read a modified version of the Carl Sandburg poem "Chicago" to introduce Dave Eggers. He read part of his new book but first explained what was going on it, and then said "Does that make sense? You?" and pointed at me. I said yes and he continued. During the story John and John played snippets of Up Where We Belong, We Built This City on Rock 'n' Roll (they actually just sang on that, with their fists in the air), and that Spandau Ballet "I know this much is true" song (John did the "ah ah ah aaaaaah" part, it was fun), and Miller played part of Stairway to Heaven. Before Bangs John said it was in the issue, but they'd since updated it to include parts of the story. Then when they stared to play his voice kinda cracked, so they had to start over. He said something like "We're continuing to update it, by playing it wrong." Eddie Joe Cotton read from his book about being a hobo while wearing a hat with a king of spades card in the brim and sitting by an open suitcase. Miller provided some background music. Ira Glass talked about Iraq. When he started talking about evil in general, Hickey and Weinkauf accompanied him, and later Miller joined, on keyboard for some reason. Ira said that every time he saw an ad for the recent movie "Resident Evil" he thought it said "President Evil." Dial-a-Drum-Solo included Dave Grohl. The regular portion on the show was disappointingly low on banter, but here's what there was. JL: We want to thank you all for sticking around. JF: I'm so glad all those old people left. I'm celebrating my 42nd birthday today. (This is of course not true.) *something else I can't remember* JF: This is a brand-new song off our brand-new album Apollo 18. *They play Fingertips* JL: Thank you for staying standing during that song, I know it's not really a dance number. But it is a...standing-up song. JF: This is a song off our new album. We like to call it the title track, because "titular track" sounds obscene. Final observation: John's hair looks really, really, good right now. It's gotten just a little longer and shaggier and I love it. Quinn {} "I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go." ~John Linnell ------------------------------ Message-Id: <> Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:20:03 -0600 From: Quinn Collard Subject: TMBG: 10/26 Chicago review Space Krickets Ballad of T. McSweeney She Thinks She's Edith Head Flans/Eggers Arthur Bradford Bangs Keith Knight Hodgman/Robin radio ads Dave Eggers Ayoka Stewart Au Contraire Eddy Joe Cotton Ira Glass Dr. Evil Space Krickets Robot Parade (adult) James K. Polk Birdhouse in Your Soul Spin the Dial Older Why Does the Sun Shine? Fingertips John was wearing that blue shirt he wore on Conan for Montana, Older, and Robot Parade. He wore a white pocket t-shirt at the Fri. show, I guess I forgot to mention that, and a denim work shirt at the in-store Sat. afternoon, which I might do a review of later. He's also wearing blue lowtops now. JF: That's it, I quit. (His mic wasn't working at the beginning of Ballad.) Eggers: Whenever I come out here to do my reading I have to calm down after that last thing. "Not masturbating out the window"... After his reading, he explained that the McSweeney's offices have recently moved from Brooklyn to San Francisco, but it's in an area that's zoned for retail so they had to figure out something to sell. At the Brooklyn offices they sold "something for people to put on their show animals, if they have like a show pig or a show ferret, to make their coats shiny, it's called 'ferret sheen', and supplies for the amateur taxidermist", but the office in SF is right next to the only other place that sells things for the amateur taxidermist, so instead they sell "pirate supplies", which pays all the rent by itself. He said they also run a program to help young poets and that the next reader, Ayoka Stewart, was a product of it. Then he said she's a freshman at Smith college this year, which made me sad cos that's where I used to be going and it reminded me how much I wish I still was. Anyway, when he said "Smith" someone in the audience went "Woo!" and he said "That's the only time that will ever happen", which apparently offended Ayoka. "Smith is the spot", she declared. She read a few poems that were *really* good. In the middle of Ira Glass' thing, John came out and did the Garrison Keillor thing that apparently he did in St. Paul too, only it was a little longer and he prefaced it by saying that they find him "really irritating." I think later I might listen to my tape and type up the whole thing, it was really funny. They played a little of Free Ride at the end of the McSweeney's portion, after Hodgman thanked everyone, with Flans singing. During Friday's show a few people left before the regular TMBG set, but at this show it was like half the audience. This made me sad, and apparently made them sad too cos they played a set even shorter than the already short set. However, it met I got to move from my seat in the very back to front row directly in front of John, which was nice. The Spin the Dial highlight for me was some jazz thing that John seemed to be having a lot of fun with. There were a couple of other things that They and the audience seemed to recognize, but I didn't. Oh, also, before they started Flans asked "you doubters in the front row" (me, Alice from the newsgroup--who I should mention was really cool to meet--and Jackie of fame) which side of the dial they should start on, that was kinda fun too. John sighed very dramatically during the Older pause. It was cute. After Sun the music that they usually play when the show's over started and I was momentarily panicked, but John hadn't taken his sax with him and the lights were still down, and sure enough a minute later they came back. Flans said something about "I don't think we've ever had the encore stolen back from us before." I got to talk to a lot of people after the show. First Ira Glass, who seemed amused when I told him he was good in Gigantic. He said what a good show it was and I said I was disappointed that it was so short, and he said "Flans noticed all the people leaving. He was trying to be considerate. They *wanted* to rock longer, believe me." Then he said something about them being in the lobby signing stuff now and I said "I'm assuming that just means Flans." "Well, that's cos after the show Linnell goes on the bus and drinks milk and eats pizza." "He does? Really? Are there any other things you can tell me about him?" "He consumes a lot more peanut butter than the average person, and Flansburgh's wife Robin just cut his hair. Isn't it cute? know about his baby, right? Um, I don't think I have anything else, I don't really know them that well." I got Flans to sign my setlist (which I got from Iggy, who apparently recognizes me now--"I remember you, I've seen you at lots of shows. You're from Houston, right?") and complimented him on his orange Pumas, which some of you might remember from the Central Park show, and he said "They were a gift from Dan Miller. They were too small for him. He has very large feet." Then I spent about 10 minutes talking to Tina and Jason Trachtenburg. I had talked to them, mostly Jason, and mostly about John, for awhile before the Friday show but I didn't know who they were at the time. Then at this show they saw me and Jason said "Hey, you made it back." So I started talking to them again and apologized for not knowing who they were before the Friday show, and Jason said "I was so interested because secretly, I'm obsessed with Linnell too, so I understand." I told them people in the newsgroup had talked about how cool they were and they seemed really excited, and Tina said I can stay with them the next time I'm in NY, which was pretty fucking cool. You all *definitely* need to catch them on Conan. Quinn {} "I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go." ~John Linnell ------------------------------ Message-ID: <008401c27e43$15551000$173b8d41@0021434253> From: "Miranda Phifer" Subject: TMBG: Re: 10/26 Chicago review Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 00:30:07 -0500 wow...i'm totally jelous!! wish i coulda been there! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Quinn Collard" To: Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 12:20 AM Subject: TMBG: 10/26 Chicago review > Space Krickets > Ballad of T. McSweeney > She Thinks She's Edith Head > Flans/Eggers > Arthur Bradford > Bangs > Keith Knight > Hodgman/Robin radio ads > Dave Eggers > Ayoka Stewart > Au Contraire > Eddy Joe Cotton > Ira Glass > Dr. Evil > > Space Krickets > Robot Parade (adult) > James K. Polk > Birdhouse in Your Soul > Spin the Dial > Older > Why Does the Sun Shine? > > Fingertips > > John was wearing that blue shirt he wore on Conan for Montana, Older, and > Robot Parade. He wore a white pocket t-shirt at the Fri. show, I guess I > forgot to mention that, and a denim work shirt at the in-store Sat. > afternoon, which I might do a review of later. He's also wearing blue > lowtops now. > > JF: That's it, I quit. (His mic wasn't working at the beginning of Ballad.) > > Eggers: Whenever I come out here to do my reading I have to calm down after > that last thing. "Not masturbating out the window"... > > After his reading, he explained that the McSweeney's offices have recently > moved from Brooklyn to San Francisco, but it's in an area that's zoned for > retail so they had to figure out something to sell. At the Brooklyn offices > they sold "something for people to put on their show animals, if they have > like a show pig or a show ferret, to make their coats shiny, it's called > 'ferret sheen', and supplies for the amateur taxidermist", but the office > in SF is right next to the only other place that sells things for the > amateur taxidermist, so instead they sell "pirate supplies", which pays all > the rent by itself. > > He said they also run a program to help young poets and that the next > reader, Ayoka Stewart, was a product of it. Then he said she's a freshman > at Smith college this year, which made me sad cos that's where I used to be > going and it reminded me how much I wish I still was. Anyway, when he said > "Smith" someone in the audience went "Woo!" and he said "That's the only > time that will ever happen", which apparently offended Ayoka. "Smith is the > spot", she declared. She read a few poems that were *really* good. > > In the middle of Ira Glass' thing, John came out and did the Garrison > Keillor thing that apparently he did in St. Paul too, only it was a little > longer and he prefaced it by saying that they find him "really irritating." > I think later I might listen to my tape and type up the whole thing, it was > really funny. > > They played a little of Free Ride at the end of the McSweeney's portion, > after Hodgman thanked everyone, with Flans singing. > > During Friday's show a few people left before the regular TMBG set, but at > this show it was like half the audience. This made me sad, and apparently > made them sad too cos they played a set even shorter than the already short > set. However, it met I got to move from my seat in the very back to front > row directly in front of John, which was nice. > > The Spin the Dial highlight for me was some jazz thing that John seemed to > be having a lot of fun with. There were a couple of other things that They > and the audience seemed to recognize, but I didn't. Oh, also, before they > started Flans asked "you doubters in the front row" (me, Alice from the > newsgroup--who I should mention was really cool to meet--and Jackie of > fame) which side of the dial they should start on, that was > kinda fun too. > > John sighed very dramatically during the Older pause. It was cute. > > After Sun the music that they usually play when the show's over started and > I was momentarily panicked, but John hadn't taken his sax with him and the > lights were still down, and sure enough a minute later they came back. > Flans said something about "I don't think we've ever had the encore stolen > back from us before." > > I got to talk to a lot of people after the show. First Ira Glass, who > seemed amused when I told him he was good in Gigantic. He said what a good > show it was and I said I was disappointed that it was so short, and he said > "Flans noticed all the people leaving. He was trying to be considerate. > They *wanted* to rock longer, believe me." Then he said something about > them being in the lobby signing stuff now and I said "I'm assuming that > just means Flans." "Well, that's cos after the show Linnell goes on the bus > and drinks milk and eats pizza." "He does? Really? Are there any other > things you can tell me about him?" "He consumes a lot more peanut butter > than the average person, and Flansburgh's wife Robin just cut his hair. > Isn't it cute? know about his baby, right? Um, I don't think I > have anything else, I don't really know them that well." > > I got Flans to sign my setlist (which I got from Iggy, who apparently > recognizes me now--"I remember you, I've seen you at lots of shows. You're > from Houston, right?") and complimented him on his orange Pumas, which some > of you might remember from the Central Park show, and he said "They were a > gift from Dan Miller. They were too small for him. He has very large feet." > > Then I spent about 10 minutes talking to Tina and Jason Trachtenburg. I had > talked to them, mostly Jason, and mostly about John, for awhile before the > Friday show but I didn't know who they were at the time. Then at this show > they saw me and Jason said "Hey, you made it back." So I started talking to > them again and apologized for not knowing who they were before the Friday > show, and Jason said "I was so interested because secretly, I'm obsessed > with Linnell too, so I understand." I told them people in the newsgroup had > talked about how cool they were and they seemed really excited, and Tina > said I can stay with them the next time I'm in NY, which was pretty fucking > cool. You all *definitely* need to catch them on Conan. > > Quinn {} > > "I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go." > ~John Linnell > > ------------------------------ Message-Id: <> From: "QUOIS CORP " Subject: TMBG: Funny plastic toys, such as Friction Toys, Battery Operated Toys, Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:48:04 +0800 QUOIS CORP

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------------------------------ End of tmbg-list Digest #58-25 ******************************