Errors-To: Reply-To: Sender: Precedence: bulk From: To: Subject: tmbg-list Digest #60-12 tmbg-list Digest, Volume 60, Number 12 Wednesday, 25 December 2002 Today's Topics: TMBG: VERY O/T: Listen to my band's Christmas album TMBG: I wish you a... Administrivia: If you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing send mail to for instructions on how to be automatically removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The views expressed herein are those of the individual authors. --------------------------------------------------------------------- tmbg-list is digested with Digest 3.5b (John Relph ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Ferrer" Subject: TMBG: VERY O/T: Listen to my band's Christmas album Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 02:49:06 -0500 Message-ID: Hey guys, I know everyone hates promotion, but I only frequent a couple message boards and I don't associate with people, so the many hours spent on this will be lost if YOU don't go download my band's last-minute Christmas album, Full-bodied Goblins on the Holiday Train, right now. We all love TMBG. Really, really love them. But I don't know if that will come through in the songs or not. But don't worry, there aren't any "real" Christmas songs on here, just raunchy guitars and heaps of insanity. Again, I IMPLORE you, go download the songs and tell me what you think. I play drums on tracks 2,3,4,6,7, and 8, bass on 1, and keyboard on 5. I sing on all but track 1 and the two instrumentals, ("Frosty's Carrot Cancer" and "Kandie Klux Kane") and I wrote the words for everything I sing (or improved them.) It's pretty ugly in parts, we rarely did more than one take and we didn't put much time into the writing, because we were supposed to be focusing on a real CD. So yeah. _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 3 months FREE*. ------------------------------ Message-ID: <007201c2abd5$9f700e60$1a008c41@0021434253> From: "Miranda Phifer" Subject: TMBG: I wish you a... Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 00:22:15 -0500 MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ENJOY THE HOLIDAY SEASON! LOVE... MIRANDA PHIFER [Attachment omitted, unknown MIME type or encoding (text/html)] ------------------------------ End of tmbg-list Digest #60-12 ******************************